
Back from the Tekong jungle and missing everything civilization has to offer.

Ain’t much of a holiday but there are definitely unforgettable sights (like ant nests as high as my knees, spiders large enough to mask faces and battalions of mosquitoes) and sounds (like grunting wild boars, deafening gunfire and more mosquitoes.)

The only thing I’ll probably miss about my field camp would be gazing the night sky on the hills of Pulau Tekong with the soft winds whispering minus all the male bunk mates who’s just beside you.

Its been more than 2 months training as a soldier and sadly I’ve caught the National Service (NS) syndrome, where conversations with friends revolve mostly about my NS life. Dull.

Pretty much trying hard to broaden my horizons a little by reading whatever magazines and newspaper I can get my hands on in the bunk and looking forward to passing out as a Private and getting a short break overseas.

Just slightly less than a month from now.

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